Dieter Telemans beekeeper brussels bees beehive bee bijen imker apiculteur abeilles ruche


I have about thirty beehives in and around Brussels and try to practice a very natural way of beekeeping. In Europe, over 80 % of crops and most wild plants depend on pollinators. Without bees our diet would be far more limited. Unfortunately one wild bee species in ten is threatened today and the number of wild flowers around the globe has fallen by 70% since the 1980s. Plants and bees have co-evolved over 100 million years. In barely a century, we humans have drastically changed their environment. 

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copyright dieter telemans photography monoculture monocultuur landbouw agriculture monoculture alimentation food voeding land
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photography dieter telemans no bees no food honey bee beekeeper imkeren california
photography dieter telemans no bees no food honey bee beekeeper imkeren california
photography dieter telemans no bees no food honey bee beekeeper imkeren california
photography dieter telemans no bees no food honey bee beekeeper imkeren california
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